As we celebrate the Canonization of the two Popes, we are reminded that the A.J.J. (Association Jeanne Jugan) went through many stages. One could say Jeanne Jugan’s friend “Franchon” could be called the first, since she did not feel called to make vows as the first “Sisters of the Poor” (who later became the Little Sisters of the Poor), but she did feel called to help in their work.
St. John XXIII gave us permission for the “Association of Friends of the Little Sisters of the Poor” in May of 1959. Later on, there were the “Oblates of the Little Sisters,” then the “Fraternity Jeanne Jugan.” It was finally in the 1990’s the Association Jeanne Jugan was formed with both men and women who would make “Promises” each year and would help in many ways to serve the elderly in the Homes of the Little Sisters of the Poor.
This year, our members here at Villa Guadalupe renewed their promises on Saturday May 3. Here in Gallup, they render much service: helping in activities, visiting the Residents, relieving at the desk and helping with the incoming donations. We are very grateful for their many services and we pray through the intercession of St. Jeanne Jugan for them as they renew their promises.
There will be new members going through the year formation to make their promises next year!