January is a special time in so many of our Homes, for it is a time that our novices are sent out for their “apostolic experience,” a 6-week period when they have the opportunity to gain practical experience in our mission of hospitality with the elderly. We had the joy to be able to welcome Sr. Amy Catherine Joseph at Villa Guadalupe.
Sr. Amy is from Indiana, and met our Little Sisters in Evansville when going to college. She was privileged to attend the Canonization of our Mother Foundress in Rome in October 2009. Now she is experiencing first handed life in the home, working closely with our Residents, to see how to live the joy our vow of hospitality to the aged poor. She has also enjoyed visiting with our Residents, and learning more about them. Our Navajo classes have given her a better understanding, of not just the language but also about the Navajo culture.
We are grateful for this opportunity to welcome a novice, and we encourage all to pray for an increase of vocations to religious life, especially for our Congregation of Little Sisters of the Poor.