Each year we ask different Ministers and the Priests from the Gallup area to join us in an evening dedicated to Christian Unity. Many of the Ministers that come either minister to some of our Residents or who are the Chaplains from Rehoboth McKinley Christian Hospital. The theme this year was “What does God require of us?” The text from the prophet Micah 6:6-8 says “What the Lord requires of you: Only to do justice and to love goodness and to walk humbly with our God.”
Rev. Rodger Perkins from the Church of the Holy Spirit Episcopal said in his Homily said that we need to learn to listen to what the Holy Spirit says to us and to be open to what the Lord says to us in our hearts. We are often so busy; we do not listen to the Lord.
We are grateful to all the ministers and Priests who serve in the Gallup area, helping to bring the Good News to their Congregations.