Recently, Gallup, New Mexico, has been rated the “Most Patriotic City in America.” We can testify to this, for the fact that the Veterans in Gallup are very active in our Home and in the City. Almost every Monday a group of “Veterans Helping Veterans” come to help the Residents with activities (such as Bingo, Bowling, Arts and Crafts and even flying kites).
We have a couple of Residents who are still very active with the meetings almost every week and participate in such things as “Flag Raising,” Funerals of Veterans and other activities around the city of Gallup.
On Memorial Day, the Veterans were not able to come to raise the flag, since they are always so busy decorating the graves of the soldiers at our local Cemetery. Yet our Veterans here at the Home had their own “Flag Raising.” We were blessed to be able to call on “Veterans Helping Veterans” to help us celebrate on “Flag Day,” to raise the Flag with love and dignity.
And we enjoy showing off our Vets in our Home who are: Army, Navy, Marines and “Air Corp” (this is what the Air Force was originally called).
One of the most active of Vets in our Home is Sami Daniels. Sami is one of the oldest in “Veterans Helping Veterans” and is very highly respected by the other members. She has helped a few soldiers who never got their medals get them (after much paper work). More importantly, she has raised their “pride” in serving for their country.
Thank you Veterans!