My name is Amanda Blazek and I am a senior at Albuquerque Academy. At my High School we have four weeks of “Senior Project” in which we can choose to shadow a professional, take special classes, or to volunteer. I chose to volunteer at Villa Guadalupe after having learned about the home through my Parish, Our Lady of Annunciation in Albuquerque. I felt so welcomed from the start by everyone when I came to volunteer at Villa Guadalupe in the middle of April.
Along with my mother, I came for 3-4 days at a time for 4 consecutive weeks. Each week truly became more special as I got to know Mother, the Sisters, the staff, and especially the Residents in a deeper way. I enjoyed spending time with the Residents while serving meals, doing morning exercise, visiting in the coffee shop, doing manicures, and teaching them to make cinnamon rolls.
I think what impressed me the most, perhaps, is that this is a place where the Residents are really cared about as individuals. They are treated with love, kindness, and dignity. I have met so many Elderly who are growing old gracefully and peacefully here, surrounded by the love of those who help them as well as the love they have fore each other.
As much as I care for those I’ve gotten to know, I feel cared for by everyone here as well. Thank you, Villa Guadalupe for letting me be a part of your family.