Are you a high school or college student looking for a way to make a difference in the world, for some place to volunteer your time and talents? Are you a youth minister or teacher looking for a worthwhile service site for your group or class? You’ve come to the right place!
Youth service options at Villa Guadalupe include:
- Assisting Residents in wheelchairs to get to and from daily Mass
- Helping to serve the noon meal to our Residents
- Adding new faces and extra one-on-one attention for Residents during parties, Bingo and field trips
- Providing music and entertainment–our Residents always enjoy performances by school groups!
- School classes or youth groups could sponsor an event—a bingo party or another special activity
- Yard work, painting
If you or your youth group would like to get to know the wisdom and understanding of our elderly Residents, contact us at (505) 863-6894 or We have overnight accommodations if you come from a distance.